Baby girl… this is for you!

Hey – it’s me again! I’m back and better than ever. At least that’s what I think ;). I went MIA for a little while. Come on now; don’t be mad, we all do it.  Are you at all curious as to where I have been? Well, I went on my journey to motherhood; one that leads me to my beautiful baby girl, Kinsley. She couldn’t be any more perfect. I know, I'm biased. Cut me a break though, aren’t all moms?!

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Bridget Tolson
What if?

I've been there. I was the twenty-seven-year-old woman, fresh out of a relationship, questioning to herself: “will I ever meet Mr. Right?” PANIC.

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Bridget Tolson
Egg Freezing made simple

Oocyte Cryopreservation, or egg freezing, is the process of extracting, freezing, and storing a woman’s eggs. Most importantly, egg freezing allows a woman to halt the ticking of her biological clock and bank her eggs for future use.

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Bridget Tolson
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) shouldn’t be a mystery

Admittedly, before working at Main Line Fertility, I had no idea what Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) was. You would have thought after going to nursing school at Villanova, or spending five years as a postpartum nurse, I would have had some idea. But, no. I didn't realize how uneducated I was about something as simple as the menstrual cycle. Do any of us know what happens monthly, or should I say, what is supposed to happen monthly? Don't worry, stick with me. I got you covered. I'm here to teach you the ins and outs of it all!

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Bridget Tolson